Results of Job: search_49fcf2ae-d7ef-4e63-a097-78837e1385f8

Query Target Key Target Name Description P-Value MaxTC
ECE2_HUMAN ECE2 Endothelin-converting enzyme 2 4.551e-36 0.29
Q49PX0_9POXV N1L N1L 2.22e-15 0.29
PERM_HUMAN MPO Myeloperoxidase 3.22e-14 0.36
O69002_PSEAI pigA Biliverdin-producing heme oxygenase 1.308e-12 0.44
Q9NBA7_PLAFA Cysteine protease falcipain-3 1.007e-11 0.32
POLG_CXB3N Genome polyprotein 3.256e-11 0.31
S6A13_MOUSE Slc6a13 Sodium- and chloride-dependent GABA transporter 2 4.546e-09 0.34
VP16_HHV11 Tegument protein VP16 8.097e-09 0.35
G6PC_HUMAN G6PC Glucose-6-phosphatase 2.362e-07 0.29
PARG_RAT Parg Poly(ADP-ribose) glycohydrolase 2.362e-07 0.29
CAH3_BOVIN CA3 Carbonic anhydrase 3 3.244e-07 0.31
GAG_AVIER gag Gag polyprotein 3.447e-07 0.29
PAG_BACAN pagA Protective antigen 1.017e-06 0.41
NCOA1_HUMAN NCOA1 Nuclear receptor coactivator 1 1.241e-06 0.35
CAH12_HUMAN CA12 Carbonic anhydrase 12 4.732e-06 0.64